The Official Site of Linton Hotspur Football Club
Linton Colts
Under 10's - 2011/12 Squad Photo



Coach Development – Colts

Under the Quality Mark accreditation there is an increased focus on Clubs providing more structured training sessions. The aim is to develop coaching session plans which will help support the coaches whilst at the same time ensuring the on-going development of the individuals. 3 DVDs are available covering Coaching Levels


Volunteer Recruitment – Colts

A key element of the SFA Quality Mark is increased interaction with the parents both in terms of improved communication and the provision of additional parental support to the Coaches/Club. You don’t have to be an expert in anything specific, and you don’t have to commit a large amount of time. Contact Gerry McLachlan on 07975 602178



Saturday Colts


Every Saturday

9.30am - 10.30am - New Moor Road, West Linton


Open to boys & girls Pre School to P7.


For further information please contact us on - enquiries@lintonhotspurfc.co.uk


Come along & have some fun!

